I do this.
Sometimes I think I do this just to make sure my friends know I'm still alive. After all, when you start a game you more than likely have to keep it going until someone wins. Ergo, one must at the very least, make one play a day, right? And, if after several days pass & there are no new plays by me, perhaps it would make them wonder a little at my whereabouts. It might very well take several days, but they may eventually get around to emailing or calling.
It seems phone use is somewhat going the way of U.S. mail and actual letters written. No one does it much these days.
I miss those days of personal contact, how about you? When you anxiously awaited for the mail man to deliver some bit of news from a friend or relative far away? When you could hardly wait to hear something from that person/persons that you cared so much for.
Computers have brought about so many good things. But some very bad as well. And one that can not ever be replaced again in our life times, intimacy shared in a close and caring relationship.
I love my computer, don't get me wrong, but... it has us becoming a bit more cold and impersonal.
I remember the family and friend "get togethers' I experienced as a child before my mom died. They'd come over in the droves, play music, play cards, laugh, share and it was face to face, up close and personal. If someone struggling in the group needed a hug, they got it! Instant bolstering that you could feel!
So many 'good old day' scenarios, now just a memory.
Kids, and grandkids today won't even have a clue what it is to sit down and hand write a letter to someone. They'll all come to believe it was something just as 'far out' as our thinking about letters being delivered by pony express was.
Yep! We've come a long way, baby! But somewhere along the journey, we may have lost a bit of our personhood. And the way we can communicate. Oh, it's faster...probably less costly in the long range, and more efficient. It's instant. But some days, it's just nice to hear a voice, hear a laugh, or see eyes that actually light up.
Communication is a lost art. One that was pushed full throttle into the 21st century & landed upon a little lit up screen on a desk.
If you get a break sometime and want to hear someone actually speak one of these days...hey, let me know! Pick up a phone, if you still have one...and say "hey!" I'd be glad to be at the receiving end of your call.
Until next time, why not try to call a friend you haven't talked to in awhile. Invite them over for a cup of something & play some cards! Might be a little fun, especially if you haven't done that in awhile.
In the meantime, I'll go check out the Words With Friends board and see if I'm winning or losing.
Have a good week end folks!
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