Monday, February 13, 2012

of birds and beasts...

There is nothing that bears more truth than this. In reading about and seeing poor precious animals being rescued from labs across the nation, my heart just breaks knowing that they have been experimented upon, put through hell in their short little life spans. Many, born and bred specifically for the purpose of experimentation, and never seeing the sun or touching a paw to grass. 
Those who would keep doing such things would, in my book, be equally as insensitive to an innocent child, an elderly person...or any one other who may be considered the "lesser" of them.
And "for the good of mankind" should not EVER include the neglect of or abuse of any innocent being!  And...unless the world as we know it ends tomorrow & we have to begin foraging for our scraps of food...I will never believe that hunters are a good lot! I don't like them...I don't like what they do.
As long as the corner grocery store still has food to sell - there is NO EXCUSE ever...for hunting and killing a beautiful animal. Until clothiers no longer sell coats to keep you warm, or hardware stores no longer sell utensils...there is no reason for any of it. I loathe those who think hanging the heads of dead animals on the wall is something noble and to be proud of. It most certainly is not. As one of my sons always says... "give the hunter nothing more than a sling shot and let him go up against the adversary...and then lets see how they do." 
Sorry folks. Just had to gripe a bit about this as it has weighed heavily of late.
Maybe I'm a bit grumpier too, from not having been able to keep to my schedule. Off the treadmill for the third day AGAIN! And not eating right. Just plain disgusted with things right now.
Do you ever get that way?
Well... do ya?
I got my 2¢ worth in anyway & I promise not to be so grumpy next time.

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