Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 5...

...on ye olde' treadmill!!! It's getting harder...not easier!! But then, I'm soon going to be sixty-three (good Godfrey!!!!!! how did I get here????) and the added aches & pains associated with that fact can slow one down. But I keep getting back on the thing as long as I can.

Now, the eating thing is going better too. Not perfect by a long shot, but better. I still struggle w/eating the wrong things. All the lovely recipes I find on Pinterest do not help much! If anyone has a fool proof way of disciplining their eating and curbing the desire for sweets...(other than telling myself that the bad stuff is actually poison, which only works once in awhile) let me know!

If you're a young person reading this...I will tell you what I was always told when I was  your age, "your day is coming!" and it will come before you know it! It is TRUE!!!! I can't emphasize that enough today.
Because my mind keeps telling me I'm thirty every day, but I've looked in the mirror and wondered "who is looking back" as my huge dose of reality stares back at me! What the ....happened?? I went to bed young and able and woke up the next day a doddering old fool! And whether you think that day is far off or not, it is going to happen to you. I never thought it would, but I look back all those years and wonder if it was someone else's life that was lived? Sooooo long ago, but really only a blink!

Anyway, take care of yourself when you're young, it will help immensely when you are into your sixties! And for those of you in my age group and is never too late to get up and move!! So, make up your mind to travel inches a day. An inch in the right direction will get you years of mileage... even when you look like your grandma, you'll still be able to keep up with part of the thirty year old thoughts floating around in your gray matter! 
Have a great day everyone!

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