Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Don't own anyone else's lunacy...
If they are idiots, leave them behind and move on.
Their short comings have absolutely NOTHING to do with you or who you are on this planet.
Don't let their problems become your persona or shape your character or create your day.

You can't help what they do, how they act, what they think or how they live their life. But you can completely help yourself by not letting them invade your world at all. Sometimes it's best to just flip the switch off to toxic people and chalk it all up as a valuable lesson in life. It has no bearing on you as a person. What they do should not really affect you at all. Each is responsible for self and when your head is on straight, life can still be a really good thing in the midst of everyone else's bobble-headed attempts to have a so-called life.

Don't let others have that much power over you.
If you turn your back and walk away and yet allow their actions to bring you down, they're still in control and will be, until you completely cut them loose. Some people are just not nice, and never will be. Their puny attempts to BE nice are so outweighed by the ugliness that when it comes right down to it, they were just never nice in the first place, so move on. And a hard fact remains that some people are just not worth the effort. Certainly not worth wasting an entire life over. So go out and have yourself a life while you still can.

Just a random thought for the day folks.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

If you woke up today - are breathing in and out, can see, touch, inhale the moment, speak, react, smile, cry, hear, walk, taste, laugh, lift, squat, bend, move, soak in sunshine, feel raindrops against your face, marvel at creation and it's creator, feel anything at most certainly, have reasons to be grateful!  ~lin

Friday, September 14, 2012

Night Wanderer

by, linda marie pharaoh carlson
September 5, 2012

She sails the seas of moonbeams
and pilots the mighty fleet
who follow close behind her
as each new star they greet.

Her world is filled with nothing
if not possibilities...
and in her dreams she conquers all,
she rules everything she sees.

Captured in the moments
of fleeting restful hours
Her dreamworld is her solace
where life and love are flowers.

But then there comes the dawning
to a bright and sunny day...
slowly she will awaken from
the dream world, and step away.

Til’ once again her moon appears
when she’ll begin to dream anew,
She’ll set her sails against night winds
and bid her cares adieu.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ok...since I am SO BAD at kidding...I just forget the thing exists...!!! I decided to
just start putting up pictures I like and that I think I'd like to share with everyone. I believe I might be
able to fill the thing up with those!! And at least some people would benefit from them and the wisdoms that go with them. will keep some of my favorites all in the same place, right?

Well, no one can say I didn't try (several times, as a matter of fact). Some people I know are blogging
fools! Can write at the drop of the hat about any tiny speck of information and make it 'pop' and something to enjoy.  I am a writer who can't seem to muster a blog! Now that's just sad!

Oh well, I'll put up my sayings and pictures for ya'll to pin or just whatever ppl do w/them and call it good. I might jot a few lines in between once in awhile, but it will primarily serve as housing for the
things I like to see, and'll like them too.

Have a great rest of the week everyone!